Tuesday, 15 November 2011



About DMRC Vigilance
# #Vigilance Unit, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation is the nodal section for handling all vigilance matters of the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation. The Chief Vigilance Officer, Shri S.C. Jindal, heads this unit. The CVO is assisted by one full time Deputy Chief Vigilance Officer, one Assistant Vigilance Officer and two Vigilance Inspectors.
The vigilance unit works in close coordination with the Vigilance Unit of the Ministry of Urban Development and the Central Vigilance Commission. The functions of vigilance in DMRC are to conduct preventive checks, to investigate the complaints from various sources and to investigate in detail the paras raised by CTE in their intensive examinations.
Vigilance Unit also advises system improvement where-ever necessary to improve the administrative functioning of DMRC. Vigilance Unit of DMRC arranges vigilance awareness programme from time to time. These programmes are arranged for the benefit of all concerned. During such programmes, all officers /staffs are invited to create vigilance awareness in the organisation.


The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation has put specific identification marks on all the six coach trains operational currently for the convenience of the commuters.

All the six coach trains have the number ‘6’ marked prominently on the front and rear of the trains. The windows of the train operator’s coach (the first and last coaches of the trains)  also have the number ‘6’ marked prominently on them.

Apart from these identification marks, prior announcements are being made before the arrival of the six coach trains to the stations. Additional Customer Facilitation Agents (CFAs) have also been deputed at the busy stations for the assistance of the commuters.

Currently, there are 6 six coach trains operational on Line 3 and 4 (Dwarka Sector 21 to NOIDA City Centre/ Anand Vihar ISBT) and two six coach trains on Line 2 (Jahangirpuri to HUDA City Centre).


By the end of 2011, there will be a total of 95 six coach trains. On Line 2, there will be 54 six coach trains and six four coach trains and on Line 3, there will be 39 six coach trains and 32 trains of four coaches each.

By the end of the year a total of 208 train sets will be operational on the Delhi Metro network of which 113 will be four coach trains.